Productive AF Retreat Recap
Ever since I went out on a limb and started Pro Organizer Studio, I have been so amazed and inspired by my followers, private clients, and Inspired Organizer™ students. Every time I reach a new milestone in my business journey I think to myself, it just couldn't get any better! Little did I know, the launch of our Pro Organizer Studio retreats would open up new avenues and passions I never knew I even had, and the richness of my experience as a coach would expand tenfold. I've been lucky to get to meet followers and members of my community in the past at short afternoon meetups. I (and usually my sweet husband) have arranged happy hours before in Charlotte, New York City, San Diego, and Washington, D.C. Although I LOVED doing these meetups, it was always nerve-wracking trying to make sure it all came together, introduce everyone, and then try to get one-on-one time with each gal before it was already over. It really wasn't enough! I thought I'd try a low-key retreat in my hometown as a way to test out the potential for longer, more in-depth live events. So the first-ever event happened February 7th-10th, 2019 in Greenville, SC.I booked an amazing downtown loft that would accommodate everyone (sorority-house style!) and got busy planning activities and dinners at my favorite restaurants. I was astounded by the interest I received and spent months planning content and getting excited about the chance to treat these girls to a Bachelorette-style hometown weekend. And let me tell you, they did not disappoint. Yes, THEY.
This amazing group of women taught me so much about my role as a coach.
Although I'd worked on it for months, I decided last-minute to scrap the lecture material I had written. Instead of sitting for several hours talking about productivity, I decided that it was more important for these women to be heard, validated, and encouraged. Each attendee got the opportunity to share and have us all focus on her vision together, which ended up being the most heartfelt moments of the entire retreat. Believe it or not, this is what truly catapulted everyone toward feeling "productive AF" about the time spent working and problem-solving that weekend. We ALL learned intimate details of each other's lives, invested in each other's growth, and brainstormed solutions to problems each of us was facing in our lives and businesses. We also LAUGHED, A LOT... We challenged each other to take steps toward our goals (many of which happened while we were together) and bonded in profound ways.
We all felt refreshed from a productive weekend with like-minded women, which made us all so excited to continue moving forward in our businesses, knowing that we all have each other's backs.
I even did a 1:1 private coaching session during the retreat, which was totally different than what I've been used to doing over Skype or Zoom. Being in-person brought it to a whole other level. It just confirmed that deciding to get certified in business coaching this year was 100% the right decision. Since the retreat, we have all stayed in contact through our private retreat Facebook group, and that deeper level of accountability has been amazing! I was so struck by a feeling of soul renewal and true purpose from this retreat (that I originally wasn't sure would even become a recurring thing). At our last brunch together, we didn't want it to be over. We all agreed that one extra day would have been perfect to get even more out of our time together. More time to get work done, get feedback and help from each other, and just bask in the atmosphere of women brought together by their calling. As soon as I got home (literally) I started researching other locations and potential dates -- because I just HAD to make this happen again. Because we knew we'd found the right format and got any first-timer logistical hiccups out of the way... ...I'm so excited to tell you that we will be planning many more retreats in the future, all across the country. It's important to me (and my fabulous co-host Brie) to provide this in-person experience to the women in our community -- it's unlike anything else we offer!
The next retreat is happening in Las Vegas, NV on October 2nd-6th, 2019.
To learn more about our intimate, inner-circle business retreats for professional organizers, visit and sign up to be notified.
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