Episode 106 | Jessica Litman, The Organized Mama
Jessica Litman is well known as The Organized Mama, and has built an organizing business that many of us dream of! She also has dreamed of writing a book since she was in 4th grade--and is making that dream come true in April with the publication of "Home Sweet Organized Home." She is talking to us today about her path in organizing, including working one on one with clients both in-home and virtually, as well as a super successful online brand which started with a blog and has grown exponentially.
Episode 102+103 | Answering Organizer Questions from Instagram
It's another epsiode of "Jen and Melissa get together and record their conversation" for you! This week, we will give you two epsiodes of us answering questions we got from pro organizers on Instagram. We talk about client situations and client questions, home organizing reality shows, and all sorts of things to get you thinking about your businesses.
Episode 101 | Three Mistakes I Made
This week, we are giving you a sneak peek of a new free workshop we have called The Pro Organizer's Profit Plan!! In this podcast, we are going over the three mistakes Melissa made in her organizing business--so if you are making them too, you know you aren't alone!
Episode 100 | Soundtracks: Fixing our Mind's Messages
Working with organizers each day--we know that sometimes what we tell ourselves, the story about our capabilities and what we are and who we are--sometimes can stop our progress in our businesses. Today we are bringing you a conversation about the book "Soundtracks" by Jon Acuff, which is all about what those messages in our head are, and more importantly--what are some concrete ways we can fix those messages.
Episode 99: Finding Your Platform + Intentional Mindset Shifts with Jen Kilbourne Obermeier
In the last two years, organizers have discovered that there are lots of ways to help clients--and sometimes, even for a business that primarily helps people inside their house, organizers have been able to move to find an audience online successfully. Today we are bringing you an interview that Jen Kilbourne Obermeier did with Carly Tizzano of The Resolve Podcast, and it is FILLED with insight for organizers about finding your audience, and important mindset shifts.
Talking automation with Kate Waldo Jones of "3 Day Workweeks Podcast"
One of our Inspired Organizer® members has started a new venture, taking her expertise on how to use systems to work smarter, not harder--and turning it into a podcast where she teaches us about the wonders of automation, and using tools to make your business work more efficiently. I was THRILLED to be the first EVER guest on her show, and I would love to share the episode with you.
Episode 98: "Someone Should Do This!" - An Organizing Passion Project with Sarah Brent
Sarah Brent did something awesome with her organizing business, which is she saw that there was a need for something in the market, and she kept saying "someone should work on this!" and then realized someone was actually her. We love when someone takes a challenge and is like, wait, I'll tackle that! So we wanted to have Sarah on to talk about what she's doing...and how it can help all our pro organizing friends.
Episode 97: Taking the Leap: Wisdom from a Business Launch
In a new series, we introduce you to an inspirational pro organizer from our community and tell you about their journey. Kim Snodgrass has just taken the leap and started her business, but is already working with clients while she builds the back end of her business. She tells us the whole story about making this leap into full-time professional organizing.
Episode 96: Inspiration for Starting Strong in 2022
Jen and Melissa open the doors of a recent live coaching event we held inside our private Inspired Organizer® community--we talk about starting this new year out right in your organizing business (and remind you to take care of YOURSELF so you can show up for your CLIENTS!)
Episode 95: Helping Clients with Collectibles: Charles Tinsley of Keys Guild
What does it take to have a professional organizing business? When do you know it's the right time to launch a business? What does entrepreneurship look like for a professional organizer? Jen and Melissa answer all of these questions and many more in this episode.