
the pro organizer studio podcast

Professional organizing changed my entire life. After 20 years of working at huge companies, I started working for myself, opened an organizing business and grew it to six figures. And now I spend all day, every day at Pro Organizer Studio teaching professional organizers around the world how to grow the business of their dreams.

This podcast gives you ACTIONABLE strategies you can take into your business right now! It’s the go-to pod for great pro organizers and I can’t wait to have you as a listener!

Popular Podcast Episodes For Professional Organizers

so much to learn

 business | branding | social media | web design

176 | Pitch Yourself + Your Business to the Press with Rachel Rosenthal (part 2)
Business, Podcast, Marketing Melissa Klug Business, Podcast, Marketing Melissa Klug

176 | Pitch Yourself + Your Business to the Press with Rachel Rosenthal (part 2)

This is the second epsiode in our 2 part series with Rachel Rosenthal, a professional organizer in Washington DC who has used the media to propel her business to serve over 8,000 clients. In this ep we get down to business learning how to pitch potential outlets like TV, podcasts, and print media to grow your organizing business.

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